Month: November 2018

WATCH: First Lady Melania Trump Speaks at Liberty University Town Hall on Opioid Addiction


First lady Melania Trump called the opioid epidemic the “worst drug crisis in American history” in a rare speech Wednesday at a “town hall” on addiction that featured participants as varied as ex-Fox News star Eric Bolling, Demi Lovato’s actress/author mother Dianna Hart and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen.

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29th November: 2 Corinthians 5:11-9:15

Praying Through God's Word

2 Corinthians

5:11-7:1  –  ‘Reconciled’ to God through Christ, we have received ‘the ministry of reconciliation’. Saved by Him, we are to ‘work with Him’. We are ‘not to accept the grace of God in vain’ by living for ourselves. We are to be ‘ambassadors for Christ’. We must proclaim the urgent message of salvation – ‘now is the acceptable time, now is the day of salvation’. We must call men and women to respond to God’s message of salvation: ‘Be reconciled to God’ (5:18-6:2). If we are to be effective ‘ambassadors for Christ’, we must dedicate our lives to Him: ‘Let us cleanse ourselves… and make holiness perfect in the fear of God’ (7:1). Without this heartfelt commitment to godly living, we cannot really serve the Lord at all. Our wrong lives will drown out our ‘right’ words. We need true lives as well as ‘true’ words.

7:2-8:7  –  We may…

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What Our Giving Reveals About Our Hearts

treevalley in the inner city

National-Day-of-Giving-How-To-Make-Meaningful-ContributionsTo me one of the most savage verses in the bible is from the apostle john (one of the closest of the 12 most closest followers of Jesus) who pierces our hearts with a question:  

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?” – 1 John 3:17

What does he mean by this?   

In this verse and passage it comes from (the book of 1 John, Chapter 3, was initially written as a letter in the late 1st century to circulate amongst the churches in the Roman provinces of Asia, in modern day Turkey) John is making the case that our actions reveal the reality of our hearts.  

So if there really is love in our hearts it is demonstrated by action.  In the verse that…

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The battle everyone is in but not everyone knows…

Youth Pastor Ben

There is, as C.S. Lewis has so rightly written about, a health and an unhealthy perspective when it comes to spiritual warfare. There is a perspective that tends to have a preoccupation with seeing a “demon behind every bush” and the opposite perspective that is unaware there is even a spiritual battle going on.

Tony Evans has written a new book, titled Warfare, to refresh our understanding of the reality and truth behind spiritual warfare. He provides a helpful breakdown of the spiritual war. The chapters in this book cover everything from the origin of the fight, the enemies, the allies, and the weapons available for fighting the battle and living in victory.

9780802418173This topic, spiritual warfare, can be a weird one to bring up, especially in casual conversation. People tend to look at you a little differently and sometimes try to get out of these conversations as quickly…

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Truth2Freedom's Blog

For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

—Matthew 16:26

This is my position: let the scientist stay in his field and I will stay in mine. I am as glad and thankful as anyone for the benefits of research, and I hope scientists will soon find the cure for heart disease, for I have lost many good friends from sudden heart attacks.

But listen to me now about the difference in meaning between the short-term matters of our physical beings and the eternal relationships between the believer and his God.

If you save a person from diphtheria when he is a baby, or save him in his teens from smallpox, or save him in his fifties from a heart attack, what have you done?

If that man lives…

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