Month: September 2015

Drive-by Prayers for College Students

Our college students need unceasing prayers during these changing times, O Lord. Protect them from the dangers and traps of the enemy. Most of them are so busy during their day, Dear Lord, that they can hardly find time to pray. Many of them do not know how to pray. Have mercy on them, we pray.

Lord, these young people need You every minute of the day. We are asking You to raise up more prayer warriors for college students who will pray for them, even as they drive by their campuses. Hear us, O Lord, as we pray in our cars.

Heavenly Father, encourage the saved students to pray for the unsaved students when they pray for themselves.

Raise up a harvest of souls for Your Glory. Let Your will be done in the lives of all college students. Thank You, Lord, for thousands of campus ministry leaders who are sharing Christ at every turn. In Jesus Name. Amen.

“God is our refuge and strength, a present help in time of trouble.”  (Psalm 46:1)

Praying for Miracle-working Power in Unsaved MIllennials

Your miracle-working power, Heavenly Father, is what we are praying for today in behalf of millions of unsaved millennials. Turn their hearts to Jesus. Awaken them to the glories of Christ our Lord. Speak to their hearts with Your convicting grace.

We give You all the Glory and praise. It is in the redeeming Name of Jesus that we are praying for this miracle. Amen.

“For whoever calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved”  (Romans 10:13).